
This Polytechnic is rich in General Books, Learning Resources Centre (LRC), Reference Books besides books related to current syllabus of Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education, Lucknow. The seating capacity is being augmented to accommodate large number of students and make use of library facilities.

The Library at present has more than 43,700 books. Books are issued to Student’s for a period of one month on production of valid college Identity Card. Library has two different halls viz. Books Section and Reading Room Section.

Rules of Library

  • Working hours of the Library are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in winters and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. during summers.
  • Every student shall be provided with the Identity Card.
  • Sum of Rs.50/- will be charged for issue of duplicate Library Card (incase the original is lost)
  • Students can withdraw 5 text books at a time for the period of 14 days and book can be re-issued for a further period of seven days, only if the same book is not in demand/ reserved by other student
  • An over-due charges of 50 paisa will be levied per day per book for retaining the book by the student beyond due date.
  • The student shall be responsible for all the books drawn by her. Book lost, defaced or injured in any way shall have to be replaced by the borrowing student. The student may satisfy the soundness of the book before issue.
  • Students shall not be allowed to carry all personal belongings beyond the ‘Private belonging Rack’.
  • The reader shall maintain silence in the Library premises.
  • No reader is allowed to sleep in the Library. The default may be denied use of the Library.
  • The reader/ students are liable for punishment and fine if they misbehave or damage the books/ property of the Library.
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